This is where I'll be storing various Wing Commander related things. New stuff should float
to the top.
Wing Commander End Run Digitized
September 9, 2005 I don't know why I never updated but I made a newer version of the End Run PDF about 4 years ago. ZIP I think I have a list of typos somewhere, but I probably won't look for it or fix anything for another four years or so. First update for the year! Happy Twenty Ought Five!
February 14th, 2001 I scanned the
cover in.
February 2nd, 2001 A lot of people want to read End Run but can't get
a hold of it. It is not that rare but you still probably won't find it at any of the
big book stores. Putting it online would be illegal,
but Baen said they'd never reprint it anyway. Ethics aside, it is a pretty good book.
Oh yeah, if you ever do come across this in a bookstore or online just go ahead and
buy it. ZIP README
The Movie DVD Shopper's Comparison Guide
September 9, 2005 Huh? DVDs. did a real good job of deleting a more complete version of this page but oh well. That's what I get for editing online.
Site Restored, Welcome to, Not for Public Consumption, Yet
August 29th, 2004 I'm back. After blacklance changed hosts, lost
some of my content, and cut off my access, I figured it was time for a change. I should
have some updates coming soon.
July 18th, 2001 Using HCl's
WC1View source code I managed to squeeze out a little VBasic program to turn the ship data
into a common graphics file format. Which I then turned into
Bar Music
July 15th, 2001 Enjoy some bar
music from Wing Commander III.
Site Re-Opened on
July 9th, 2001 New URL, new design, other new odds and ends. Thanks!
Wing Commander Movie 2nd Generation Script Digitized
July 8th, 2001 Note: This version is slightly newer than the one
at the CIC, it fixes up some typos and formatting errors, etc.
July 7th, 2001 The best Wing Commander Movie ever made now comes
to you in a way you were never meant to see. LOAF says
this is the second version of
the script, the third being the shooting script, which will probably show up at the CIC
sometime in the future,
and the first sitting out there somewhere just waiting to be sold on ebay. More fun
than reading an episode of Hunter.
Wing Commander IV DVD 1.0
June 30th, 2001 I found an interesting
DVD of WCIV, it is not the
double sided MPEG-2 enhanced version, but a
single sided labeled disc containing the original version fixed up for Windows and
single disc distribution. What is very interesting is that is seems to have been made
in December 1996, and we didn't even see retail DVD players until 1997. I noticed on the
double sided version the tiny center label indicates "Version 2.0," so maybe this was
1.0? I'm looking into finding out where this came from... meanwhile check out the
ReadMe and Ship Stats
taken from the disc.
Wing Commander CCG
May 22nd, 2001 I now own 311 of the 314 cards in the CCG, the
most recent two thanks to the generosity of a fellow wingnut. Also, I should note
that the card list has three extra cards, one is
the reverse side of a Confed card, the second is
the reverse of the Kilrathi card, and the
third is another Heart of the Tiger
promo card, signed by Mark Hamill.
April 20th, 2001 309 out of 314. I need Confed: Battle Damage
/ Tail Shot Off, Luck / Show Trial, Maniac / Maj. Todd Marshall,
Modifier / TCS
Sheffield, Kilrathi: Weapon System / Reaper Cannon.
Thumbnails (click them for larger versions).
April 18th, 2001 Take a look
at all of them together.
Mr. Kat
April 25th, 2001 He's big, he's fluffy, he's just
great. But he still didn't bring daddy home. Sorry kid.
Wing Commander Rapier Desktops
Wing Commander Armada: Voices of War Digitized
February 9th, 2001 This is that
little gem of a manual that came
with Armada, but if you have a classic version of the game you most likely only saw
it is only right to have a PDF version at least. Enjoy. ZIP